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Version: 1.0.0

Helm Deployment Troubleshooting

This document provides solutions for common problems encountered during Helm deployments. Each section addresses a specific issue, offering diagnostic steps and resolution strategies.

Diagnosing Issues with Helm Deployments

Identifying CRD Conflicts

One common issue in Helm deployments is conflicts with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). These conflicts typically manifest as error messages in deployment logs, such as:

  • "CRD installation conflict"
  • "CRDs are out of sync"
  • "Failed to apply CRD changes"

Such messages indicate a mismatch or conflict between the CRDs defined in your Helm chart and those already present in your Kubernetes cluster.

Resolving CRD Conflicts in Helm Deployments

Problem Description

During Helm deployments or updates, developers may encounter CRD conflicts. These conflicts can disrupt the deployment process, necessitating a resolution to maintain service continuity.

Root Cause Analysis

CRD conflicts usually occur due to:

  • Outdated CRDs not in sync with the application's current version.
  • Discrepancies between CRD definitions in the Helm chart and existing CRDs in the Kubernetes cluster.

Understanding CRDs and their integration in deployments is key to resolving these issues.

Solution Strategies

Strategy 1: Force Apply Workflow Using Zeet API

To bypass CRD conflicts, use the Zeet API to force apply the workflow. This approach involves triggering the deployment through Zeet's GraphQL API, effectively overriding the conflicts. Refer to the Zeet GraphQL API Documentation for detailed instructions.

Strategy 2: Manually Apply Helm CRDs

Alternatively, apply the latest CRDs manually with kubectl:

  1. Obtain the latest CRD definitions from the relevant source (e.g., the official repository).
  2. Use kubectl apply to update the Kubernetes cluster's CRDs.
  3. Resume the normal Helm workflow post-update.

This method is particularly useful for services like Traefik, where CRD update conflicts are common