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Version: 1.0.0

Amazon Web Platform - Troubleshooting Guide

Logs are missing / historical log analysis

Looking for your logs? All Zeet logs are stored in your account. If you're using AWS, we leverage AWS CloudWatch to give you more powerful tooling to dig into your Resources' logs

We've collected a number of queries that can be used in AWS CloudWatch Insights to dig into your logs

To use these queries, open your AWS console and navigate to AWS CloudWatch > Log Groups, then find the log group that looks like this: ${zeet team}/logs

Click on the Log Group for your team, and use the following queries to dig in:

View logs for a specific Project

fields @timestamp, log
| filter kubernetes.annotations.projectName = "project-foo"
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 2000

View logs for a specific Deployment

fields @timestamp, log
| filter kubernetes.annotations.deploymentVersion = "{deployment ID}"
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 2000

View logs for all the Deployments on a specific Project's branch (across Deployments)

fields @timestamp, log
| filter kubernetes.annotations.deploymentBranch = "main"
| filter kubernetes.annotations.projectName = "project-foo"
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 2000

As you can see, these queries can be composed to create highly-specific queries if need be. Feel free to play with the limit and timestamp fields for more control.

Learn more about AWS CloudWatch Insights querying language