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Version: 1.0.0


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes allows you to run containerized applications across a cluster of machines, abstracting the underlying infrastructure.

Kubernetes works by grouping containers into logical units called pods. You define the desired state of your pods and services in a declarative way using configuration files. The Kubernetes control plane consisting of various components like the API server and controllers work to make the actual state of the cluster match your desired state. For example, if you want to scale up your application, you simply update the number of replicas defined in a deployment file and Kubernetes handles starting up the required containers and distributing them across the nodes. Some key concepts in Kubernetes include pods, services, deployments and ingresses. Pods contain one or more tightly coupled containers and services enable communication between pods. Deployments handle rolling out updates to your applications and ingresses expose your services to external traffic. Overall, Kubernetes provides a robust way to deploy, manage and scale containerized applications in production.