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Distributed Development

Distributed Development refers to software development in which team members are geographically dispersed across different locations. Rather than working together in a single physical office, developers collaborate remotely using various tools and technologies.

Some key aspects of Distributed Development include:

  • Teams are spread out across different cities, countries or even continents. This provides access to a global talent pool.

  • Collaboration happens online using tools like Git for version control, Slack/Teams for communication, CI/CD pipelines for automation, and cloud platforms to host code.

  • There is an emphasis on modular architecture and APIs to allow different components to be built independently. Code is integrated continuously.

  • Practices like test-driven development, code reviews and daily standups enable coordination despite team members not being co-located.

  • Challenges include communication gaps, delays due to time zone differences, and lack of in-person interactions. Extra effort is required for team cohesion.

In summary, Distributed Development enables leveraging talent globally by having geographically dispersed teams collaborate to build software using online tools and cloud platforms. The decentralized nature requires practices to align workflow and enable continuous integration.