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Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is the ongoing effort to improve processes, products, services and operations in incremental ways. It is a core principle of devops and cloud native approaches.

The goal of continuous improvement is to consistently enhance quality, efficiency and effectiveness over time. It involves gradually making small changes and improvements through ongoing learning and iteration. For example, a devops team may implement continuous improvement by regularly reviewing development and operational metrics, identifying areas that could be streamlined, and implementing small enhancements to tooling, workflows or processes. The benefits accumulate as these incremental improvements add up over time.

Continuous improvement works best when improvements are made frequently through small experiments and feedback loops, rather than through large, infrequent changes. Cloud native architectures and agile methodologies lend themselves well to this approach, as they are designed to enable fast iteration and frequent deployment. Overall, continuous improvement creates a culture focused on learning, adaptation and incremental innovation rather than big, risky changes. It allows organizations to consistently evolve and optimize as needs and technologies change.