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Version: 1.0.0


Kanban is a workflow management method that aims to improve efficiency and reduce waste. Kanban uses a board with columns that represent the steps in a process. Each column contains cards that represent work items or tasks that move through the workflow.

The key aspects of Kanban include visualizing the workflow, limiting work in progress, and continuously improving the process. The Kanban board provides visibility into what work needs to be done and the status of each item. By limiting how much unfinished work can accumulate in each step, Kanban promotes finishing existing tasks before starting new ones. As team members move cards across the board, they can identify bottlenecks and problems that should be addressed to optimize the workflow. For example, a software team might have columns for “To Do,” “In Progress,” “Code Review,” and “Done.” Cards would represent user stories or features that advance through each phase of development. The team agrees to limits on how many items can be in progress at once. This exposes overburdening and prompts the team to continuously improve their process.