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Version: 1.0.0


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that helps manage Kubernetes applications. It allows developers to package Kubernetes manifests, configurations, and templates into a reusable bundle called a Helm chart.

Helm charts allow you to define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes applications. For example, a Helm chart for a web application might contain a Deployment for the web server, a Service to expose it, a ConfigMap for configuration, and more. All of these resources are versioned and packaged together for easy installation and upgrades.

To use Helm, you first create a chart that contains all the Kubernetes manifests needed for your application. This chart can then be shared and installed on any Kubernetes cluster. When installing a chart, you can provide configuration values to customize things like image tags, resource limits, and environment variables without modifying the chart itself. Helm handles templating your Kubernetes YAML files using the values provided.

Overall, Helm streamlines deploying complex applications on Kubernetes. It abstracts away the underlying Kubernetes APIs and allows you to manage your deployments in a declarative, versioned way.