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Continuous Operations

Continuous operations refers to the practice of automating and integrating operations processes to enable faster and more reliable delivery of applications and services. The goal is to remove manual tasks, accelerate feedback loops, and improve system stability through ongoing incremental updates rather than big bang releases.

Key concepts in continuous operations include infrastructure as code, configuration management, monitoring, and self-healing systems. For example, infrastructure as code tools like Terraform allow operations teams to define infrastructure configurations as version-controlled code. This code can then be used to automatically spin up or modify environments. Monitoring tools like Prometheus allow teams to track system metrics in real-time. Alerts can automatically trigger remediation actions when anomalies are detected. Self-healing systems leverage automation to detect and resolve incidents with minimal human intervention. Overall, continuous operations aims to apply core devops principles like automation, collaboration, and iterative improvement to IT operations activities. This creates a consistent, repeatable, and resilient operational backbone to enable rapid and reliable delivery of new features.