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Version: 1.0.0


Git is a distributed version control system that developers use to manage code changes and collaborate on software projects. Git tracks the history of code changes and allows developers to revert back to previous versions. The key benefit of Git is that it is distributed, meaning each developer has a full copy of the code repository on their own machine. This allows work to be done offline and enables many developers to collaborate without a centralized server.

Some key concepts in Git include repositories, branches, commits, and merges. A Git repository contains the full project history and codebase. Developers create separate branches to work on new features without impacting the main code. When work is ready, they commit changes to their local branch. Branches can then be merged together, and Git manages merging code changes from multiple developers. Overall, Git enables powerful version control and collaboration workflows for software teams. Developers rely on Git commands like clone, pull, push, branch, commit, merge, and more to share and integrate code on projects.