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Version: 1.0.0


HashiCorp is an open source software company that provides tools for provisioning, securing, networking, and monitoring infrastructure and applications. HashiCorp's tools enable organizations to adopt consistent workflows and a codified approach to infrastructure management, often referred to as infrastructure as code.

Some of HashiCorp's most popular open source tools include Terraform, Vagrant, Consul, Vault, and Nomad. For example, Terraform is a tool for provisioning infrastructure across public cloud providers as well as on-premises data centers. It allows infrastructure to be defined and managed as code. Vagrant provides a consistent way to build and manage virtual machine environments, enabling development teams to replicate production-like environments locally. Together, HashiCorp's suite of tools aim to enable consistent and automated infrastructure provisioning and management across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. The open source model has helped drive wide adoption of HashiCorp's tools across the industry.