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Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform and infrastructure. It provides a wide range of cloud services including computing, analytics, storage, networking, and more for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft's global network of data centers.

Some key services offered through Azure include Azure Virtual Machines for infrastructure as a service, Azure App Service for platform as a service, Azure Kubernetes Service for container orchestration, and Azure DevOps for development and DevOps tools. Users can choose from these and many other services to develop and scale new applications or extend existing on-premises infrastructure into the cloud. For example, a user can provision virtual machines, use Azure SQL Database for relational databases, deploy a Kubernetes cluster, and set up continuous integration/continuous delivery pipelines all within the Azure platform. Azure provides a user-friendly portal, CLI tools, and APIs for managing and configuring cloud services. With its flexible tools and worldwide presence, Azure enables organizations to rapidly build, deploy and manage applications across a global network.