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Version: 1.0.0

CoreWeave Integration Guide with Zeet

This guide provides instructions for integrating CoreWeave with Zeet, with a special focus on enabling custom domain support for certificate management. Unlike other cloud providers, CoreWeave does not require a cluster provisioning process, simplifying the integration steps.

Custom Domain Support

To enable custom domains in CoreWeave and manage certificates effectively, you need to install specific components from Zeet. This process involves setting up Traefik with the necessary configurations for handling HTTPS traffic and managing SSL/TLS certificates.

Installing Traefik for CoreWeave

Access the required files and scripts for installing Traefik on CoreWeave in our GitHub repository: zeet-dev/zeet-cloud-coreweave. This repository contains all the necessary configurations for integrating Traefik with CoreWeave, tailored for use with Zeet.

Steps for Installation

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the zeet-cloud-coreweave repository to your local machine or cloud environment.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Traefik Directory: Change to the zeet-traefik directory within the cloned repository.

    cd zeet-cloud-coreweave/zeet-traefik
  3. Apply the Kubernetes Manifests: Use kubectl to apply the Kubernetes manifests in the directory. This will set up Traefik in your CoreWeave environment.

    kubectl apply -f .

Configuring Custom Domains

Once Traefik is installed, you can proceed to configure your custom domains. The setup in the zeet-traefik directory includes configurations for handling custom domain requests and automating certificate management.

Connecting Your CoreWeave Cluster with Zeet

After setting up Traefik for custom domain management, the next step is to connect your CoreWeave cluster with Zeet.

Connect Your Cluster with Zeet

See the Zeet cloud connection guide to link your CoreWeave cluster

Connect CoreWeave Cloud