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Version: 1.0.0


No description

type Blueprint {
id: UUID!
type: BlueprintType!
owner: BlueprintOwner
displayName: String!
published: Boolean!
description: String
tags: [String!]!
logoUrl: String
variables: [BlueprintVariableSpec!]!
allowedCloudProviders: [CloudProvider!]!
richInputSchema: JSON
isOfficial: Boolean
projectCount: Int!
enabled: Boolean
docsUrl: String
revisionId: UUID
sequenceId: Int
): BlueprintConfiguration!
page: PageInput
): BlueprintConfigurationConnection!

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

Blueprint.type ● BlueprintType! non-null enum

Blueprint.owner ● BlueprintOwner object

Blueprint.displayName ● String! non-null scalar

Blueprint.published ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Blueprint.description ● String scalar

Blueprint.tags ● [String!]! non-null scalar

Blueprint.logoUrl ● String scalar

Blueprint.variables ● [BlueprintVariableSpec!]! non-null object

Blueprint.allowedCloudProviders ● [CloudProvider!]! non-null enum

Blueprint.richInputSchema ● JSON scalar

Blueprint.isOfficial ● Boolean scalar

Whether this blueprint is officially supported.

Blueprint.projectCount ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of projects using this blueprint.

Blueprint.enabled ● Boolean scalar

Whether this blueprint is enabled for your team. Does not affect existing projects.

Blueprint.docsUrl ● String scalar

URL for Zeet Blueprint Documentation

Blueprint.configuration ● BlueprintConfiguration! non-null object

Query the revision history of this blueprint.

Blueprint.configuration.revisionId ● UUID scalar
Blueprint.configuration.sequenceId ● Int scalar

Blueprint.configurationRevisions ● BlueprintConfigurationConnection! non-null object ● PageInput input

Returned by

blueprint query ● configureMarketplaceBlueprintForTeam mutation ● createBlueprint mutation ● getOrCreateBlueprintFromMetadata mutation ● updateBlueprint mutation

Member Of

BlueprintConnection object ● BlueprintsMarketplace object ● Project object ● Team object