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Version: 0.1.0


The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

scalar Boolean

Returned by

attachAwsPolicyToUser mutation ● configureProjectPermissions mutation ● connectUserToIam mutation ● deleteAPIKey mutation ● deleteBlueprint mutation ● deleteCluster mutation ● deleteProjectBranch mutation ● deleteProjectEnvironment mutation ● deleteProjectV2 mutation ● deleteProjectV3 mutation ● deleteRepo mutation ● deleteRepoPipelineLink mutation ● deleteTeam mutation ● deleteTeamMemberInvitation mutation ● deleteUser mutation ● detachAwsPolicyToUser mutation ● disconnectUserFromIam mutation ● dispatchRepoGroupAction mutation ● ensureCloudqueryEnabled mutation ● removeAWSAccount mutation ● removeAzureAccount mutation ● removeCDN mutation ● removeContainerRegistry mutation ● removeCoreWeaveAccount mutation ● removeDOAccount mutation ● removeGCPAccount mutation ● removeLinodeAccount mutation ● removeLogShipper mutation ● removeUserIntegration mutation ● removeVultrAccount mutation ● resendTeamMemberInvitation mutation ● unlinkCluster mutation ● unlinkDatabase mutation ● unlinkRepo mutation ● updateAWSAccount mutation ● updateAzureAccount mutation ● updateCoreWeaveAccount mutation ● updateDOAccount mutation ● updateGCPAccount mutation ● updateLinodeAccount mutation ● updateVultrAccount mutation

Member Of

AddClusterInput input ● AddRepoCustomDomainInput input ● AWSAccount object ● AwsCostsByServiceInput input ● AwsCostsInput input ● AwsRegionStatus object ● AzureAccount object ● BillingOverview object ● BitbucketIntegration object ● BitbucketRepoIntegration object ● BitbucketRepository object ● Blueprint object ● BlueprintManifestConfiguration object ● BlueprintManifestConfigurationInput input ● BlueprintManifestConfigurationUpdate input ● BlueprintMetadataVersion object ● BlueprintVariableBoolean object ● BlueprintVariableSpec object ● BlueprintVariableSpecInput input ● BlueprintVariableSpecUpdate input ● BooleanCriterion input ● BranchInput input ● buildRepo mutation ● CatalogProductView object ● CDNDomain object ● Certificate object ● CertificateChallenge object ● CheckPriceInput input ● CheckPriceOutput object ● CloudResource object ● Cluster object ● ClusterComponent object ● ClusterValidationError object ● ComplexLogs object ● ContainerResourcesSpec object ● ContainerResourcesSpecInput input ● ContainerStatus object ● CoreWeaveAccount object ● CreateBlueprintInput input ● CreateClusterInput input ● CreateProjectDockerInput input ● CreateProjectGitInput input ● CreateProjectHelmInput input ● CreateProjectTerraformInput input ● CreateProjectV3Input input ● CreateResourceAlphaInput input ● CustomDomain object ● DeployStatus object ● DOAccount object ● DockerRepository object ● DuplicateBlueprintInput input ● DuplicateProjectInput input ● EmailIntegration object ● EnvVar object ● EnvVarInput input ● EnvVarTemplate object ● EphemeralContainer object ● GCPAccount object ● GcpClusterCreationOptions input ● GithubCommitResult object ● GitHubRepoIntegration object ● GitHubRepoIntegrationInput input ● GitHubRepository object ● GitlabRepoIntegration object ● GitlabRepoIntegrationInput input ● GitlabRepository object ● GitRepoIntegration interface ● GitRepository interface ● goField directive ● HelmChart object ● include directive ● KanikoFlags object ● KanikoFlagsInput input ● KubernetesCustomization object ● KubernetesCustomizationInput input ● KubernetesSecretMount object ● LinodeAccount object ● Logs object ● NotificationConditionProviderInput input ● NotificationIntegrationSettings object ● NotificationIntegrationSettingsInput input ● PageInfo object ● Port object ● PortInput input ● Project object ● ProjectsInput input ● ProjectTemplate object ● ProjectV3 object ● ProjectV3Adapter object ● RemoveProbeInput input ● Repo object ● ReposInput input ● ResourceBranchInput input ● ResourceBuildInput input ● ResourceKubernetesAppInput input ● ResourceServerlessInput input ● ResourceWorkflowInput input ● RunJobInput input ● skip directive ● SubscriptionFeature object ● SubscriptionUsageAllowed object ● TerraformAutomaticOutputConfiguration object ● TerraformAutomaticOutputConfigurationInput input ● TerraformModule object ● TerraformOperation object ● UpdateBlueprintInput input ● UpdateBranchInput input ● UpdateMarketplaceBlueprintInput input ● UpdateProjectDangerInput input ● UpdateProjectInput input ● UpdateProjectV2Input input ● UpdateProjectV3Input input ● UpdateRepoCustomDomainInput input ● UrlOrContactUs object ● User object ● VultrAccount object