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Version: 0.1.0


Defines the input parameters required to update an existing custom domain configuration for a repository.

input UpdateRepoCustomDomainInput {
id: UUID!
disableCertManager: Boolean
certManagerChallengerType: CertManagerChallengeType
syncDomainID: UUID
servicePort: Int

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier of the custom domain configuration to be updated.

UpdateRepoCustomDomainInput.disableCertManager ● Boolean scalar

Optional. Specifies whether to disable the automatic SSL certificate management for this domain. Useful when handling certificates through external mechanisms or different processes.

UpdateRepoCustomDomainInput.certManagerChallengerType ● CertManagerChallengeType enum

Optional. Updates the challenge type used by the certificate manager for verifying domain ownership and issuing SSL certificates. This can affect how domain verification is performed, with options like 'dns01' and 'http01'.

UpdateRepoCustomDomainInput.syncDomainID ● UUID scalar

Optional. The unique identifier of another custom domain certificate that this new domain should sync with. This removes the need to manage certificates separately, ensuring consistent configurations across multiple domains.

UpdateRepoCustomDomainInput.servicePort ● Int scalar

Optional. The target external port to be used for the custom domain. If not provided, the first https port will be used.

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updateRepoCustomDomain mutation