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Version: 0.1.0

Deploying GitHub Repos Programmatically


This guide will show you how to deploy a GitHub repository programmatically using the Zeet GraphQL API. You can use this guide to deploy any GitHub repository (public or private).


Before making API requests, make sure that you have the Zeet GraphQL API ready and working. You can use the Getting Started guide for reference. Before deploying, you'll want to connect a Kubernetes cluster to Zeet. You will need your Team ID, and your Zeet Cluster ID. You can grab those here:

# using v0 API endpoint:
query {
currentUser {
teams {
team {
user {
id # This is $YOUR_TEAM_ID
clusters {
id # This is $YOUR_CLUSTER_ID

Creating a New Project

In order to deploy a GitHub repository using Zeet, you need to create a project. For this example, we'll use the api v0 endpoint. Ensure you are making requests to the correct GraphQL endpoint!

This is a single request that will create a new project, and deploy it to your cluster:

mutation {
input: {
name: "github-project"
projectName: "api-docs" # Group
environmentName: "example" # Sub-group
blueprintID: "b1d61b3f-7950-4cba-9bc9-198f31c46ce8" # Official Container Image Blueprint
source: {
git: {
repository: ""
# integration: { githubInstallationID: $YOUR_GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID } # When using a private repo
build: {
build: {
buildType: NODE
buildCommand: "npm --production=false install"
nodejsVersion: "18"
runCommand: "npm start"
workingDirectory: "./"
kubernetes: {
deployTarget: {
deployTarget: KUBERNETES
app: {
deployService: true
volumes: []
envs: []
ports: [{ port: "3000", protocol: tcp, public: true, https: true }]
resources: { cpu: 1, memory: 1, spot: false }
enabled: true
) {

If successful, you'll get a response like:

"data": {
"createResourceAlpha": {
"id": "d32a73b4-5e1c-4478-947f-6f65b6852bc6" // This is $YOUR_PROJECT_ID
"extensions": {
"requestId": "9f212c26-feaf-418b-914e-079b5f721c55"

You can check the status of your deployment by querying the project:

query {
currentUser {
repo(id: $YOUR_PROJECT_ID) {
productionDeployment {

Congrats! You've deployed a GitHub repository using the Zeet GraphQL API.