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Version: 1.0.0

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1. Obtain Linode API Key

1.1 Navigate to API Tokens

1.2 Click the "Create a Personal Access Token" button on the right

1.3 Enter token name then click "Create Token"

Make sure the "Read/Write" scope is checked

1.4 Click the "Copy" button next to the newly generated token

2. Connect Zeet with Linode

2.1 Navigate to

2.2 Put in the API token in the input box and then click Connect

2.3 After the Linode account is connected, a green checkmark will appear next to the account.

3. Kubernetes Cluster

Navigate to new cluster page to Zeet Cluster Page to provision a new LKE Cluster.

Select the cloud that you connected before, choose a name and select the region.

You also need to select a Domain name for your cluster (check 4. DNS Domain section). Finally, click Create Cluster.


If no Domain Name is provided, Zeet will use domain name and will attempt to create a DNS with that domain name. Since Linode does not support yet, this will likely fail.

The creation process can take up to 20 minutes. During this process, Zeet makes sure that all the required components are created and installed for a seamless experience.

When the process is completed, the cluster is created and you can jump to 5. Link Container Registry section to add a container Registry if you want to deploy Container Apps.

3.1 Artifacts Repository

You can check the GitHub Repository with all the manifests and terraform files used to provision the Linode Kubernetes Cluster.

4. DNS Domain (required for deploying web services)

In order to deploy web services with url endpoints, you need to link a DNS domain to your cluster.

Add your own subdomain as a primary zone in Linode domains

Set up the subdomain nameservers following Linode instructions


To setup nameservers simply add these record to your domains DNS provider as NS record under the delegated subdomain

Configure Zeet to use your Linode domain

Add the delegated subdomain as the cluster domain


linode doesn't support auto-delegated urls yet due to their security policies.

Container Registry instructions


For multi-cloud/cluster projects, you can add the same registry used in other clusters. Then your linode cluster will be able to share the same image built in other clusters.

6. Deploy app to your Linode cluster

Linode supports GitHub Deploy, Docker Containers, Database Services, Helm charts and Zeet Templates. When selecting "Deploy Target" in step 4, select your Linode cluster.


(required for building docker images)

Container Registry instructions


For multi-cloud/cluster projects, you can add the same registry used in other clusters. Then your linode cluster will be able to share the same image built in other clusters.

5. Deploy app to your Linode cluster

Linode supports GitHub Deploy, Docker Containers, Database Services, Helm charts and Zeet Templates. When selecting "Deploy Target" in step 4, select your Linode cluster.
